
2014-02-07 14:29:03

比利时名将林伯格鸽舍被盗 消息来源:116     以下是林伯格的电子邮件内容:   Dear Ivy and Mr Fotoyin,As you know we had pigeonteft were in avery, a few pigeons were stolen...now we noticed 3 birds of your auction were stolen. B11-2014256、 B11-2014221、 B12-9035164、 If can do 2 propositions, refund the money to buyer or replace, what do want me to do?Sorry for inconvience...      116尹培华于2014年1月28日收到艾力克的-e.mail,说他的鸽子被偷了,包括116网站网拍其中的3羽。

