
2009-09-03 20:52:05

来自罗尼凡瑞特的邮件,关于这件事的解说 原文:lj.bobby  图:《赛鸽天地》   因为最近网站闹的沸沸扬扬,罗尼和我谈起这事,一天给我发了四封邮件,最后还打来电话说这事。。。他知道中国现在鸽友的情绪,因为安全原因,这老兄这次连廊坊鸽展都来不了,心里也是憋了很大的委屈,我征得他的同意,公开一部分信件原文给大家看。希望大家拿出耐心,先不要急于评论,静等事态发展,我们不希望冤枉了好人,也不能放过真正搬弄是非的人才好。   这是第一封邮件: Dear Jason,       I am just back from policestation and an witness saw the people with the car 20m before my house parking the car.Than they checked on my drive way that nobody was home.I hope to clear my name next week, but I will not attend the Cipex Exhibition this year. The organisers think it is notsafe. It all is very painfull but I will come out as the honest guy. Many Greetings,   Ronny (译文:我刚从警局回来,一个目击者看见有车停在我家20米远的地方,他们查看了我开车的路,发现家里没有人。我希望下周能给我一个公正的评判,廊坊鸽展组织者告诉我由于安全原因不要参加,所有这些经历对我来讲都是一个痛苦的历程,但我相信我会证明自己是诚实的) 然后我问他是否是他报案并告知的媒体? 他回了下面的信: Dear Jason,     Nono, a man that was walking in the forest (nature lover), he was taking photos in the forest and saw them getting boxes out of the car. He think they would drop garbage and takes photos. When they are gone he looks in the boxes and finds the 14 pigeons ( killed by turning their necks and leg cut of ). He immediatly makes official report by police and mails the photos to the media. The place in the forest is 2km from my home and half hour before they have been seen on my drive way walking and they had parked the car 20m from my property. The 2 eye witness also informed the police. Now Saturday is our last Race, it is 610 km National Gueret, I will inform. you about the result.   Many greetings, Ronny   (译文:不是(我报案)的,一个大自然爱好者在森林里面摄影的时候发现了有人从车里拿出盒子,他认为他们要扔垃圾,然后他就把他们拍摄了下来,当那些人走了之后,他过去看了盒子里面的东西,他发现了14个死于脖子被拧断,且腿被切下的死鸽子。他向警方做了正式报告(报警并填写规定的笔录),并把这些照片寄去了媒体,那地方离我家2公里远,而且就在半个小时之前,那车被发现停在我家20米之前的车道上,(看到停车的)两个目击者也都报警了。)     我告诉他:现在有人说那些鸽子是闷死的,但是你说是被拧断脖子死的?确信吗? 他回复了下面的邮件:   Dear Jason, It is what the man that finds them says even on a reaction on Pipa. They are killed by turning their necks. Why do they drop them in the forrest so close to me? They also say they do not know me, their is an official report that they are seen short before the dropping walking on my drive way. Why did they not park the car on my drive way but a little distance from my drive way, this is also on the report. If the pigeons are killed from the heat, why didn't they go back to the so called owners, they live about 20 km from my arae. They could explain and maybe replace them? It is so unreal what is going on about me, but they cannot break me.   Many greetings, Ronny   (译文:这是那个看到死鸽子的人提供的消息,pipa也是基于他的话做的报道,那些鸽子是被拧断脖子死亡的。 为什么他们把鸽子扔在离我那么近的地方呢?他们说他们不认识我,但是官方的报告中显示他们在扔鸽子之前很短的时间被人看到在我房子前面停车,为什么他们在我的车道附近停车但却不压在我的车道上,报告上也有解释。  如果鸽子是被热死的,为什么他们不回去告诉那个所谓的原主人,那人住的离我20公里远,他们满可以过去解释真相,或许人家能换些鸽子给他们?这些对我来说都不是事情的真相,他们是无法叫我屈服的。)   这封信我看了之后有点迷糊,我感觉罗尼的确很生气,但是可能不知道怎么和我解释,我有点不明白,我就直接问他:那些鸽子到底是不是你的呢? 罗尼回了下面的邮件: Dear Jason,   From my loft are pigeons gone, when I have DNA report everybody will know for sure, but I know it when I saw the pigeons. I will make over a detailed mail with how everything have gone since the happening. I can do this this evening, now I have to work.   Many greetings, Ronny   (译文:我的鸽舍少了鸽子,当我拿到DNA 报告的时候,那时候每个人都会相信我了。但是我看到鸽子的时候就知道是我的鸽子。 我会给你发一个相信的邮件,关于这件事情从发生到现在,所有的一切都是怎么样的。我晚上才能写这个邮件,现在我必须去工作了)   我正在读这个邮件的时候,手机响了,罗尼打来的,大意说官方的report里面有好多详细的东西,要给我看,会有好多东西,现在没时间,晚上给我发过来。然后反复的说这件事情对他不公平。他的确是气坏了。。。。   我对此事不带倾向性,只是客观的呈现一些我所听闻的事实,毕竟罗尼是这个事情的焦点。希望大家能有公正的判断,从我个人的角度讲话,罗尼是一个很诚实的人,也不喜欢宣扬自己。但是这仅仅代表我的个人看法。希望鸽友静心看,提出有见地的看法,不要义气用事,冲动回帖。  
